Tuesday, December 27, 2005

So I've always been a secret Chuck Norris fan...

Today I found this here...

I cried... really funny...

1. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried.

2. Chuck Norris does not sleep. He waits.

3. Chuck Norris sold his soul to the devil for his rugged good looks and unparalleled martial arts ability. Shortly after the transaction was finalized, Chuck roundhouse kicked the devil in the face and took his soul back. The devil, who appreciates irony, couldn't stay mad and admitted he should have seen it coming. They now play poker every second Wednesday of the month.

4. Chuck Norris built a time machine and went back in time to stop the JFK assassination. As Oswald shot, Chuck met all three bullets with his beard, deflecting them. JFK's head exploded out of sheer amazement.

5. A blind man once stepped on Chuck Norris' shoe. Chuck replied, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Chuck Norris!" The mere mention of his name cured this man blindness. Sadly the first, last, and only thing this man ever saw, was a fatal roundhouse delivered by Chuck Norris.

6. If you can see Chuck Norris, he can see you. If you can't see Chuck Norris you may be only seconds away from death.

7. Chuck Norris doesn't read books. He stares them down until he gets the information he wants.

8. The quickest way to a man's heart is with Chuck Norris's fist.

9. When Chuck Norris was in middle school, his English teacher assigned an essay: "What is Courage?" Chuck Norris received an "A+" for writing only the words "Chuck Norris" and promptly turning in the paper.

10. It was once believed that Chuck Norris actually lost a fight to a pirate, but that is a lie, created by Chuck Norris himself to lure more pirates to him. Pirates never were very smart.

11. Someone once tried to tell Chuck Norris that roundhouse kicks aren't the best way to kick someone. This has been recorded by historians as the worst mistake anyone has ever made.

12. Chuck Norris appeared in the "Street Fighter II" video game, but was removed by Beta Testers because every button caused him to do a roundhouse kick. When asked bout this "glitch," Norris replied, "That's no glitch."

13. Chuck Norris uses all seven letters in Scrabble... Every turn.

14. Before each filming of Walker: Texas Ranger, Chuck Norris is injected with five times the lethal dose of elephant tranquilzer. This is, of course, to limit his strength and mobility, in an attempt to lower the fatality rate of the actors he fights.

15. Chuck Norris has perfected faster-than-light travel. He won't give the patent to NASA until all of their employees grow beards.

16. Chuck Norris does not use spellcheck. If he happens to misspell a word, he simply changes the acutal spelling of it.

17. Chuck Norris can cause a forest fire just using the magical properties of his beard, he can then, if he chooses, extinguish the fire by roundhouse kicking it.

18. Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked a waitress because his steak didn't have a beard.

19. Chuck Norris laughed so hard while watching Black Hawk Down that he had to leave the theater. Well, he didn't have to, obviously, but he was feeling especially generous that day because he had already killed so many people.

Hope you enjoy...


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Honestly... it's just funny...

You have to watch this...

Cheetah Video

It feels good to laugh!!!


Monday, December 19, 2005

This Morning...

I awoke this morning almost unable to talk... I have had a sore throat/cold settling in for the last few days and yesterday, we at Hungry, had our weekly worship gathering which I usually receive part of the blessing of leading worship. I think between the rehearsal and actual gathering it finished my voice off completely - hah.

So all morning I've not really been able to speak all that much and it has forced me into some reflection - amazing what happens when you're just quiet a bit. So right now I sit amazed at the God of the universe. Amazed at a love and grace that reaches me right where I am, knowing I deserve none of it. Amazed that it compels me to want to live out His dream for this world and that gives me peace and purpose - where otherwise I have none... amazed at the blessings in my life and that compels me to want to be a blessing to others... I have friends and family that are so dear... As I write I am almost in tears and I am overwhelmed with something... maybe love, maybe grace, maybe the presence of God...

However this morning came to be, I am thankful... chances are if you are reading this then in some crazy way you are a part of my reflection this morning. So thankyou... I pray we would all continue to be drawn into the light of who God is and how is working...

Love and Peace,


Tuesday, December 13, 2005

What a gift...

So this year Diana and I decided we weren't gonna decorate our place for Christmas. No tree, no nativity, no lights... We are just have a lot going on right now and thought it would be easier to not have to "worry" about getting out the decorations, setting them out, and ofcoarse putting them back away in a month...

If I were honest though I could tell she wasn't real happy about this and honestly niether was I. I know Christmas is about more than a tree and lights, but in this life we do have memories... There is something about coming home to a house where things are peacful and there are visible reminders of the time of year you are celebrating...

So... yesterday I got the urge...

I left the office at lunch (hope my boss doesn't read this), went and bought a tree, drug out all of our ornaments and Christmas decorations, and set our place up like there should be angels singing in the corner... I managed somehow (thanks Dan) to get all this done and all the boxes put back away in storage before Diana got home from work...

When she got home the lights were low... tree on... candles lit... and a little Christmas music in the background... Well, needless to say... She was happy...

The name of this post is "what a gift" but it has very little to do with this being such a great gift to her... I wanted to take a minute and confess to whoever would read, that this has so much more to do with the fact that she is such a gift to me, that I would be inspired to do something like this for us to enjoy together... I couldn't imagine life any other way... I am so blessed...

What a gift...

Love and peace,


Thursday, December 08, 2005

Seeking peace...

So this thought of "peace on earth" has been in my head lately. Probably because you hear it around Christmas time so much and probably because I also desire to see it in my life more. Well, right now i'm reading this book Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and in it he talks about this word, Shalom. Shalom is the Jewish word translated by us as, peace. The only problem I'm finding is "peace" as an English word doesn't really do the true mean of Shalom justice... Peace to us means - The absence of conflict (only mildly attractive)... Shalom in it's fullest, in their culture meant - "the presence of the goodness of God. It's the presence of wholeness, completeness." - (by comparison - in my opinion - worth giving your life to seek after...)

Best I can, tell this "Shalom" is what salvation is all about. It's why Jesus came... For the goodness and greatness of God to be fully displayed and for His Kingdom to come... Sometimes when my view of salvation is reduced to just forgiveness of my sins, I feel as though I end up just focused on myself. If I stop there I wonder how that is going to bring Shalom to the world. I really believe it is not just about about what God has done for us... It also about what God has done/and is doing in us. It's about restoration - us becoming what God created us and the world to be.

I'm not saying that being saved from Hell isn't worth being excited about, but I am saying I more excited about a God that is involved with the here and now. I do know greater things are coming... I just don't want to think I need to wait until I die to experience peace... I want to know I am part of God's plan to restore this earth now. And I think that is what "shalom" is all about.

So just some thoughts from a follower of Christ wanting to see God's dream for my life and this world come to fulfillment. This season when we sing and celebrate... "Peace on Earth and goodwill to men", may we realize we are asking God for and celebrating Shalom in this world and for His Kingdom to come.

What a reason to celebrate this time of year...

Love and Peace (Shalom),


Saturday, December 03, 2005

a prayer for advent

From the blog of one of my number one boys... such truth... I wonder how our holidays would be different if we could set our minds to this...

"At this season in Germany and other parts of Europe, they sell Advent calendars, which count off the days of waiting and praying for Jesus’ Coming –- which is what Advent means. In most of the West, every evening’s television reminds us how many shopping days are left. Suppose we take these advertisements as a call to pray rather than to purchase. I’ll put myself in the mind of Mary and Joseph, focussed on the expected baby, wondering what he will be like and how he will affect my life."

from sacred space

Friday, December 02, 2005

Who wants to follow this?

I assure you this post is written with a lite spirit, but still very sincere...

Sometimes when I see stuff like this, I have a tendency to get pretty angry. Most of the time I end of laughing but sometimes cussing still. It definitely wasn't a "salvation moment" (see previous post) to say the least -hah.

Anyways, I know I am nowhere near perfect and I do have my own inconsistencies but I am just wondering how this is received by someone of another faith. Or someone of no faith. I'm sure it wouldn't be, "Wow, I want something like that in my life..." Not saying it's wrong to want to say Merry Christmas... I absolutely love this time of year... But I do doubt Joseph and Mary ran around saying Merry Christmas every year and certainly doubt Jesus was all that concerned about it...

On that note, I realize once gain, I am fairly cynical at times... Jesus probably didn't do that much either... Maybe I should go make a t-shirt... - Crap!!! I did it again...

I do believe it is worth celebrating love coming down to us from heaven. I pray we find a way this Christmas, and every other time during the year, to offer that love in this world. I just have a difficult time seeing how that love really gets communicated wearing a shirt that says "I'm right and you're wrong... deal with it..." From the bottom of my heart, here's to having a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy birthday, or whatever else we maybe celebrating this time of year... May love, truth, and peace find all of us...


Thursday, December 01, 2005

Salvation Moments...

So I'm not sure how close to "right theology" this is... so if it's not please forgive me as I admit to be a little more "lost" as of late, but, maybe a little more "found" at the same time... I'll explain...

If you know me well then you know as of late I have really been overtaken by he bigness of God, His story, and how we fit into it. Because of that, I feel as though I am noticing things in life that maybe I mssed before. Well, maybe not missed, but certainly didn't view them as sacred. Things like... the wind blowing, the leaves changing color, friendships, moments of silence, or maybe even small instances of encountered truth or goodness.

Yesterday I was working with my dad in His cabinet shop. We were installing lights in the cieling and wiring them up in the attic above it... It's kinda hard to explain, but my dad and I have always been close but life hasn't been perfect for us to spend all the time together we would have liked... I think we would both tell you we've made some mistakes we wish we could take back but we know we can't. But yesterday as we talked about me growing up, some of the things we'd done together, and some of the things we were looking forward to... it was just beautiful.

In that moment I felt the presence of God.

We also talked about some difficulties he has faced in life and some he is going through right now. Some stuff I don't even feel right talking about here. We just ended that talk with the thought that we just knew things were gonna be ok. Not that everything was gonna work out like we wanted... In fact it could be the oppisite... just that things were gonna be ok. We can find rest and peace in knowing that God has us in His sights... and even in the middle of a storm in our sight, that our Father is still bigger...

In that moment I felt the presences of God.

My point in all of this... Is it possible that this salvation thing is not just a one time occurance. If salvation means recscue, then maybe we are constantly offered not just a salvation from hell but a rescuing from the lifeless and mundane that we would otherwise be living in.

I know this could sound random and it would be easy to dismiss this as merely a "good feeling" you get from time to time... but I need a faith bigger than that... I need to know God is in the mundane waiting to rescue me. I need to know that the sunset outside was made just for us to sit and marvel. I need to know that my wife, family, and friends in my life were given to me as a gift from my creator knowing how we would all intereact with each other.

Again, when I start thinking through some of this I lose myself and realize how much I don't really understand. That is what I mean by how I feel so lost recently. At the same time I feel like the more I just admit I am lost, the more I feel as though I am found and rescued by God...

I pray we never reach a place where we don't need His hand...

Love and Peace,


Monday, November 28, 2005

Really Random...

But worth the post... anytime a good friend is in a picture like this it's worth taking a look at... I love you Josh!!!

Hope you all had a good weekend...


Saturday, November 26, 2005

NC State vs. Maryland...

Saturday I had the priviledge of enjoying the game in one of the luxury boxes in Vaughn Towers at Carter Finely... Definately a cool experience to say the least... ok, I'm a little ashamed of how giddy I was... I mean, I love football... even more NC State football... The only problem is, I have this deal, where alot of people in one area around me makes me odly uncomfortable... I have some strange fear of mobs (more of tight spaces really)... it's like this - "hey, there are alot of people around me and I have no idea if they are all about to start getting really close to me... then it could be incredibly hard to breathe..." - so that really simplifies it and makes me sound strange, but at this point in my life I am ok with that... All that to say, sometimes it is hard to enjoy an entire football game live...

This was totally different. It was honestly like sitting in my living room with my wife and a few close friends... the only difference is when I look out my window from my recliner there is a live football game going on... CRAZY!!!

It made it all the better that the wolfpack pulled it out... such a good time...

Nice set-up...

Hard work...

Enjoying the game...

Pretty good seats...

A full fridge...

Good view...

lots of fun...

Love and Peace...


Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving... I hope you're able to spend it with the ones that you love. We truly have som much to be thankful for.

Last year at this time my wife and I had just left out good friends in Texas house and we were in LA celebrating Thanksgiving with the Ashdowns (actually they weren't the Ashdowns when we were there - hah)... Great friends on both of those stops of whom I actually miss very much...

Today Diana and I are laying low... We wanted to use this time to relax and really reflect on all we have to be thankful for... So, we're hanging out... eating some sushi and chinese takeout on a day where most of the country is eating turkey... I feel a new tradition coming on - hah...

This evening we'll prolly stop by my mom's house and say hello... That should be good times... I do miss not being able to Diana's parents on certain days but Christmas time is here now and we're gonna spend some time with them then...

Wishing you all a great day of being thankful and most likely enjoying some great food, time with family, and time with friends... Seriously if you are reading this and it's prolly b/c we on some level know each other. So, in light of that, I am thankful for our friendship... I have no doubt that in some way you have impacted my life for the better...

Praising God from whom all blessings flow...


Sunday, November 20, 2005


So it is Sunday evening about 10:30pm and I am thinking of how amazing it is to see God move. Within Hungry we have been in this series in Genesis for the last 8 weeks with the idea that maybe by looking at how our story with God began, we could get a feel for where He was leading us now. Words can't express what a journey the last 8 weeks have been for me (and from the way it seems a lot of others also).

While there is no way (really no point) I could sum up the time we've spent engaing this book in the Bible I will tell you my view of God and relationship with Him has changed. And I think what is so impactful to me is that I know I am not the only one. We (Hungry) have this desire to seek God and live out His dream for the church. Our desire is to do that together, in community, with one another.

Tonight we spent time reflecting, as a community, where we have been and how it has impacted us. Everyone there laid out their thumb print on a piece of paper and held it throughout the night while Jeff summed up where we had been. We talked about how this was God's story and how we fit into it. We talked about how there is something amazingly beautiful about this story that we call the gospel and how that part of the story impacts everyone of us. But, just as each of us has a different thumb print, it probably impacts us each in a different way.

So as a response to all of this we spent time in worship and writing on those pieces of paper (around the thumb print) how this gospel has reached us over the last eight weeks. What we had at the end of the night was a beautiful collection of how God is moving in the midst of our community. This was so amazing in realizing that the gospel reaches each of us right where we are. Jeff shared a few of them as we all left celebrating where God is leading us. Jeff said he was gonna post some of them on his blog here. I encourage you to check them out.

Well to wrap up these thoughts, I just want to say thanks to all who are apart of this community. What a joy it is living life and serving with each of you. The story of this community wouldn't be the same without each person who engages life here. For that I am thankful. I also am thankful to our God who beckons us to live in His story... a story of hope, a story of wonder, and a story of love...

I pray we would all be found by this story of God...



Friday, November 18, 2005

U2 tonight...

Last night Diana and I came to Augusta to stay with our friends Jeremy and Terra (definately on the greatest people in the world list). We had a great tour of Augusta from Terra and found a good pizza spot for lunch - real good micro brews...

Tonight the Burry's and us are heading to Atlanta for, say what... U2!!!! SOOOOO Stoked... Honestly I can't wait... we're leaving in about 20 minutes...

I'm sure most of us have something in our lives that you feel like is a gift just for you... I don't mean for no one else, but I mean something about that gift speaks to your soul - right to the core of who you are... There's a few of those gifts in my life... my wife, family, certain friends, God's church, and music... And this band has a large role in the latter... and in a wierd way, a mix of all...

Thanks to the giver of all gifts...

Tonight should be a night to remember... for a long time...


I know I live in the ghetto, but…

This is really funny… I came home wed. night to find a lady who lives below me with her rear windshield knocked out. It was obvious it happened there (glass everywhere) so I assumed she didn’t know about it. It was 10:30pm so I was afraid of waking her 7 yr. old son but also knew she wouldn’t want to find out at 6:30am when she usually leaves in the morning. (not to the funny part yet – sorry)

So Diana and I were helping her clean it up and I got her window covered with duct tape and trash bags. While we were cleaning she mentioned earlier she saw a guy rolling a TV behind our building (said it was too heavy to carry). Right about then another guy pulled up to place and mentioned his friend was on his way home b/c he received a phone call saying his front door was open.

So… I suggested he go a make sure his TV was still there and to no surprise… it was gone (along with speakers, x-box, and audio receiver). So when the guy got home we asked the lady whose car got broken into what the guy looked like. Sounded a lot like a guy who we knew lived in the building next door.

Next we called the police but since it took them over 50 minutes to get there (different post altogether), my neighbor decided to go and look in the back window of the guy who is now… our suspect. Two minutes later he walks up yelling… “the @#*%$ has my stuff sitting on his back porch…”

And the winner for the 2005 Trailwood Heights least smartest crime… the guy who lives in the building next to me…

So seriously… this guy robbed his neighbor who lived 100yrds away and left the stuff sitting outside on his back porch… Unbelievable… it’s official… I live in crazy town. I know there are some problems with me making light of a troubled guy in a troubled place to live… but sometimes life makes you laugh…

The cops showed up and went through whatever normal procedures are... not sure of the final outcome, yet...

The night turned out well as ten of us from our apartment building ended up hanging out til 2:00 in the morning. It was nice to hang out with neighbors that I spend nowhere close to enough time with. So that was the up side to the evening…

Until next time… Don’t steal a car and hide it in your driveway two doors down…

Love and Peace,


Friday, November 11, 2005

A beautiful story...

I try to spend time on a regular basis (not as much as I would like) reading this book called the Bible. Rarely do I leave a time spent with it and not be blown away by how it speaks to me. And honestly, it's not in a sense of "I should do this" or "I shouldn't do that". In fact when I hear it taught that way it sometimes loses that "sense of awe".

What I am talking about is how this book... this story of how God has interacted with man since the beginning of time (not sure I really understand what that means) still speaks straight to my heart. There is such a beauty in seeing it as... "this is how all this stuff got started and I am still apart of it all today". Within Hungry, our community here in Raleigh, we are going through a series on Genesis. I was talking to my buddy Jeff and telling him, to me the most amazing thing has been just realizing that this is how we got where we are. This is how God moves, this is how people have responded, and it still effects us today.

It's inspiring to know I am in some way tied into the promise God made to Abraham. Just that alone lures me to want to know God more. I want Him to lead me the way I have seen Him lead others. I don't have this desire or guilt riddin conscious to "be good". I just want to see God move in my life and more importantly in this world like I have heard of Him doing since the beginning.

To me, it seems God started this plan of redemption and rescuing of all things so long ago and He is still chasing that dream today... And we are still apart of that story...

To me it's so beautiful... and compelling...

Maybe just something to think about... prolly more on this later...

Love you all...


Monday, November 07, 2005

Friday to Monday... Good Times...

Friday Night...
Dinner with the Moraski's... Feelin' the love... Great time... Very chill... Seriously... My man Karl can cook...

Then over to Erin Kish's for a bit... lots of laughs... tons of fun...

Band practice... love these people...
Later... NC State over Florida State... Oh YEAH!!!

Saturday night...
Chili Cook-Off... INCREDIBLE!!! Good food... Good times... Fun people... what a night... Thanks for all who made it out...

Sunday night...
Worship gathering with Hungry was incredible... I am so blessed to be apart of a community that is alive , moving, and seeking to be apart of God's Kingdom. It is becoming a group with such a mixture of people with all different backgrounds, places of spirituality, and views of life. I couldn't be more thankful to have a place to be apart of.

Then out to dinner with my beautiful wife and some of my favorite people in the world... Love you guys (and girls)...

Monday Night...
Dinner at my mom's with the family... Diana and I, Brandon and Julie, John, my mom and Rick... I love my family so much... What a blessing in my life...

So... It's been a crazy weekend. Kinda feels like we went from one thing to another but we loved every second of it. Come to think of it, this past week has been one of the busiest in a while. Prolly time to slow back down again. We did get to spend some time with a lot of great people. For that I am thankful.

Hope your week is starting off well...

Love and Peace...


Saturday, October 29, 2005

...making banana pancakes...


For all you "workin' for the weekend", happy Saturday morning to you!!! Last night Diana and I went out to dinner with our friends Megan & Nate and Erin & Fish. We went out to North Hills and had dinner at Mamma Fu's. Pretty good low budget asain food, but our company was great - Good Times!!! After dinner we went to meet a few people for bowling and it quickly turned into the party place to be. I think everyone of us going called and invited someone else and before we knew it was party times. It's always a blast hanging out with people you don't know, getting a chance to hear a different perspective on life, and flat out having fun.

Then this morning my beautiful wife slept in and I had a chance to surprise her with a little something our good buddy Jack Johnson calls "Banana Pancakes". What a nice relaxing morning around the Gore household. I love you babe...

Hope you all have a great weekend. I've got a few friends out on the road for the next few days. Some as close as the next town over and as far as away as Chicago. I wish you all safe travels and I hope you have a blast.

Enjoy your weekend...

Love and Peace,


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

maybe I talk to much...

So... if you know me well you probably already want to post something like, "it took you this long to figure this out???" and my answer would be no, but maybe I am just now realizing it in a different way.

I know some of you who communicate with me through this blog are not completely sure where you stand in the whole spiritual journey thing. Because of that and our conversations it leads me to exploring and seeking out different ideas in spirituality. One thing I've stumbled across for the most part is this... no spiritual discipline, regardless of religion, is more universally acclaimed as necessary than the practice of "silence". So in that light maybe these next few thoughts could be beneficial for all of us.

I mentioned in an earlier blog about how it seems life is finally slowing down a bit. Some relationships in my life are deepening and it feels... well, "right". I am really loving it. I've kinda found myself now thinking, "what have I been doing the past year, 2 years, 3 years..." This has recently lead me to really pay attention to my own "silence".

Now, I really do believe that life is about seasons and sometimes we have seasons of busyness (and that's ok)... but I think that sometimes in our culture, capitalism and the American dream (I love where I live), and the "we have to be the best" mentality can leave us to finding our identity in what we are accomplishing (or what we are busy-ing towards).

Frustration, emptiness, and even doubt are feelings I find in myself when I put myself under the burdens of "accomplishing my identity." For me personally the only way I find true peace is realizing my identity in the truth that I am known and loved by God. And... the only way I can get to that place is by taking the time to "be still and know that He is God...", resting in this; that God's love for me gives me my identity. At that moment, I feel the freedom and peace to be whoever I am and I am compelled to share that with others.

Thomas Merton wrote this..."My life is listening, His is speaking. My salvation is to hear and respond. For this my life must be silent. Hence, my silence is my salvation." I do believe there is a great salvation or rescuing in responding (doing) but I also can see (and I have experienced) how it would be so hard to respond if at first I didn't listen. I am discovering that silence and solitude is not only in the heritage of following Jesus but Jesus himself spent time withdrawing to the hills, the wilderness, or a lonely place. I have to trust there is an opportunity there to connect with our creator in a way like no other.

I have experienced busyness that lead to a disconnect form other people, God, and ultimately myself. I would agree with many spiritual writers, ancient and modern, that silence and solitude can lead to a love of God, a love of self, and a love of others... and that sounds like something I would want to be a part of.

I took the time this morning to be still... while it was still dark out and the highway behind my house was still quiet. It was a beautiful thing. It felt like the quietness was whispering and my soul filled with a strange sense of wonder. I hope you can find sometime in the next day or two to experience this. I assure you there is a true experience to it...

Love and Peace,


As ministers our greatest temptation is toward too many words. They weaken our faith and make us lukewarm. But silence is a sacred discipline, a guard of the Holy Spirit.

-Henri Nouwen

many of these thoughts have been uncovered in a book I am reading, The Sacred Way by Tony Jones

Saturday, October 22, 2005

friends, slowing down, and life...

Warning!!! This post will not sound like rocket science (I know this will surprise all of you who know me really well). Maybe it will even sound cliche'ish... But here it goes...

At times in life we get so busy. I have looked back so many times at months of my life and thought, "what the heck are you doing...". I have found myself literally running myself until I get sick. We've prolly all done this at times in our life and prolly all do it more than we should. I am not saying this is all bad cause I believe in hard work, vision, working with passion, and treating things like they are worth working towards. What I am saying is for me, I let things get out of line when it comes to what's really important.

For the last 6 months I have prayed that God would lead me to slow down and enjoy life. That He would bring me a group of friends to share life with. That my wife and I would grow closer and learn more about each other. I am not saying that I have completely arrived anywhere close to where I would like to be with this but the last month of my life has been amazing in this regard. I feel like I've spent time with people. I feel like I have loved people, been loved by people, served people, been served by people... I gotta tell you, there is just something to sharing life in community.

Last weekend I went to the mountains with my wife and the band, I called a few friends just to say "hello", I hung out with some people that would never come to church... this week I had lunch with a friend just to catch up (thanks Chris), had a picnic with my wife, I got to buy a guy lunch who has no money, went to the State Fair with my roommate from college, and tonight I had dinner and hung out with some of my best friends in the world...

There are times in life when I just feel like I am getting things all wrong (happens every day - hah) but every now and then some things feel right. Loving others and being loved feels right... Thanks to all who play a part in that in my life... I am sure within the next day or two I'll forget all this and I will go back to ignoring myself and other people's problems for the sake of getting "stuff" done... but until then I am going to enjoy a breath of fresh air and say thanks to our God that wakes us up and let's us breathe... and enjoy the relationships God has given me...

Hope you guys all have a great weekend...

Much Love,


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sacred Idol...

So this morning we were having our creative team meeting for Hungry (aka - Mimosas in the Morning... ok, not really... or, yet at least) and we were discussing the series we are in right now in Genesis. We started talking about how hard it is to really analyze this text b/c it was written by a specific guy in a specific culture. Obviously we are not that guy or living in the same world so how are we to really understand it. I mean none of us have been around more than say (I'll guess high) 1000 years and this was written well before 1000 yrs. ago.

(If you are afraid of possible heresy, quit reading here)
Then I brought up the idea that sometimes I feel as though our "doctrines/theologies/explanations" can get in the way of just accepting (or more importantly worshipping) God as God whether we understand/can-explain Him or not. I wonder how God's people made it through years of not knowing completely how to explain the Trinity or how God does or doesn't know who will go to hell (but then again their view of hell was probably different then what we are taught today anyway...)

Ok, stop here if you are already mad...
Well, then I came across this article article and it got me thinking... which I like to do... It kinda speaks to what we were thinking about this morning but also raised a few other questions... I am not saying I fully agree with the whole thing, but, I am definately willing to think through anything that could be preventing me from holding our Creator and our Creator alone in the place where only He deserves to be...

I hope you hear me say this... I believe the Bible is a gift from God and is full of God's story front to back. I love it, read it, cherish it, thank God for it, and ask God to allow me to live by it. But it is true that this book has not been around as long as people have been following God and I also believe there is more to spirituality than just a book.

God, help us find our way. May you lead and may we follow. Allow us to worship You and You alone.

If this uncomfortable for you to read, simply read the post before this one... at least you'll get a laugh...

Love and Peace,


So I needed a laugh...

Thoughts to ponder...

by: Jack Handy

To me, it's always a good idea to always carry two sacks of something when you walk around. That way, if anybody says, "Hey, can you give me a hand?," you can say, "Sorry, got these sacks."

Why do the caterpillar and the ant have to be enemies? One eats leaves, and the other eats caterpillars. Oh, I see now.

I think somebody should come up with a way to breed a very large shrimp. That way, you could ride him, then after you camped at night, you could eat him. How about it, science?

If you think a weakness can be turned into a strength, I hate to tell you this, but that's another weakness.

If you're ever stuck in some thick undergrowth, in your underwear, don't stop and think of what other words have "under" in them, because that's probably the first sign of jungle madness.

Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends, and you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail.

It's fun to laugh... Good times...

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


So at our worship gathering within Hungry, we are in a series in the book of Genesis... This week we are discussing the flood (Genesis 6-8ish)... Unavoidable questions come up... I am ok with questions but would love to hear some thoughts from those of you out there...

Why the flood?

Why destroy the earth (why kill everyone???)

Is God's character at stake if this is true???

Is this simply an act of Justice (seems kinda harsh...)???

Could it really have been an act compassion???

I know somebody has some thoughts to this and I would love to hear them. We are meeting with our creative team tomorrow to talk about the gathering and your input is welcomed and sought after... We're all in this together...

Love and Peace...


Monday, October 17, 2005

Other pics from the weekend...

See previous post for where the pics came from... Mad props to Rebecca Nuebert for some of the shots from the trip...

Love you guys...

Fo Shizzle...


Community, Love, and ...

This weekend our band went out to Hendersonville for the weekend (mountains of NC) just to hang, relax, and to pray. I honestly feel the need to thank God for the group of people I get to serve him with in this capacity. I mean all of them are incredible musicians but it goes so much further than that. Their heart for God is compelling and it leads them to such a visible love for each other and for their community.

This is a group of people that I have grown to love living life with. Honestly, there are different things I love about each of them, but most of all is there desire to serve Christ. There is a constant burning to be where God is leading.

It is truly a beautiful picture when a group of people come together under the body of Christ. I am humbled everyday at the priviledge I have in living life in this feel of community. Everyday I am given a chance to love and be loved in a way that just feels like "this is the way it was supposed to be."

So this morning I'm just thinking about friends, community, and how we experience love (both giving and receiving). Over the years I have experienced this type of love with others... some of which are now all over the country and world. So I sit here thankful. Thankful for the love God has allowed me to feel, and I pray, that God has allowed me to give. May we remember the heart of God is for us to love Him and our neighbors.

To all who have been a part of this journey and to those who are right now I say thanks...

Much Love to you all...


some pics from the weekend... So beautiful...

Zack is pretty crazy

Classic Zack...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Great Evening...

So last night was pretty much close to perfect. I went by the store and picked up some food, went for a walk while the chicken was in the oven and let me tell you the weather right now is amazing. Fall is hinting at showing up and the cool wind on your face as the humidity is moving out makes this one of my favorite times of the year.

But what really topped off the night was getting to sit and have dinner with my wife. She is by a long shot my best friend in the world. What a tangible picture of grace in my life. I can't believe it keeps getting better. I love you baby... "What a ride this is... May the adventure grow..."

My hope is I never lose sight of the gifts that are right in front of my face on a daily basis. The breeze on our face, the smell of food in the air, the joy of laughter, and most of all the gift of love from our God.

If you have some time today, think about God's goodness, pray for those who may need comfort, and let someone know you appreciate them...

Love and Peace,


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

My brother is crazy!!!

Not sure who he gets it from... But he's definately crazy...

Back, Up, and Running (well, walking)

OK... Well after a few months (we'll say 8) and everyone, my wife included, mocking my blog life, I feel it is time to get things going. I have been literally all over the country and world since I last updated and I hope the friends I've met along the way can add some life to this. I so value conversation and how life is experienced through relationships.

I don't know if words could do justice to the journey I've been on the last 8 months but I'm sure it will get fleshed out over the next little while right here. I can say some of that journey has had to do with why I have been so silent here, in large b/c I didn't know how good it would be for a lot of my thoughts to be out in the open. I am now starting to feel peace in some of those things and am ready to move forward. (The othe reason for being silent in this blog was in fact - laziness...)

Anyways.... Thanks for taking the time to hear my thoughts... if you are reading this then on some level we probably know each other and I hope you know I appreciate your friendship. I hope you will take the time to check in regularly and please feel to leave comments. Much love to all of you...

May you rest in the love and peace of God...



Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Hungry Tonight... (And an after party)

Hungry tonight at 8:00pm... Looking forward to seeing everyone...

After we are having a going away party for Jeremy and Terra... Come on out and show them some love as they head down to Georgia for the next season of their life...

There are not enough words that could thank them for all they have meant to our community...

Monday, January 17, 2005

Unnoticed Worship...

So I was thinking about worship... and what pleases the heart of God... and as a worship leader - "how do you lead people to that place...?" Certainly its more than great songs, low light, candles... But if that's true then what is it... What is it the warms the heart of God?

I was reading back through a book "The Unquenchable Worshipper" by Matt Redman and it has few pages that really hit home on this... He opens this thought by addressing the hardest instrument to play in an orchestra is the 2nd violin - He says b/c everyone wants to be the 1st violinist... We naturally feel like if we are in the spot light we are being successful... He then transitions into the story in Luke (21:1-4) when Jesus notices the poor widows offering and how it is only a few copper coins... More than likely this was a difficult moment for this women who obviously didn't have as much to offer as most... But then Jesus declares "this poor widow has put in more than all the others."

It's amazing that Jesus looks past the coins and into the heart of this woman... I wonder how many times in life we feel frustrated with where we are or with what we have... Feeling sorry that we are not the 1st violinist... But it seems to me that Jesus is much more concerned with the process than he is with the actual situation...

I have some friends that have really gone out on limbs to offer God there worship... In many ways these guys are "1st violinists"... They are the "1st chair" of what they do... but somehow they've realized that their greatest moments of worship may never come in a sanctuary, but in their greatest moments of inadequacies... For this reason they are doing things in our community that will get them absolutely no recognition and most likely will not make it into a worship song...

But then Jesus declares "this poor widow has put in more than all the others."

So back to the idea of leading people into a place of worship... My prayer is that somehow God can lead our community (myself included) not just to times of corporate worship that are both authentic and intimate, but also to individuals living out unnoticed worship for no other reason that to live out the heart of God...

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Happy Christmas and a Merry New Year

Holidays were crazy... So good to see all the family but a lot of moving around...

For all of you who have been harassing me to update this thing, I humbly apologize... I could say I have been busy but I have probably just been playing a little too much guitar and Madden 2005 (already through one full season... - Lord please give me more discipline...)

Hope all of your Holidays were great... I love you guys...
