Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Couple of Pics

These were taken around 2am in the morning.

Here is Addison. She ended up needing a breathing tube for a while last night but it looks like she will be off of it soon. Note Diana's hand in the bottom of the picture.

This is Ayden. Diana stuck her hand in there and he immediately latched onto her finger.

More updates on health and such later. So far so good and we have been constantly told of their feistyness. I am assuming this is a good thing.

Love you guys,


Happy Birthday!!!

At 10:18pm and 10:19pm our beautiful daughter Addison Eden and our handsome son Aiden Ross entered our world (we haven't decided on spelling yet - possibly Ayden.) They are tipping the scale at an astounding 2.8 lbs and 2.7 lbs. Praise our God for this miracle that He has given us. I am truly humbled and without words.

The Doctors say they are surprisingly strong fighters for their age and weight. They came out kicking and pushing (it' true - I saw it ;). Both are breathing on their own and it doesn't look like they are gonna need a breathing tube (Aiden needed one for a sec and then they took it out.)

Diana is sitting right beside me and, as they say, talkin' up a storm. She is feeling great and looking beautiful. I am so proud to have her as my wife.

We will continue to update over the next few days (and possibly the rest of our life ;) of course with more details and pictures.

Your love and prayers through this have been amazing. I know we have a long road in front of us so please keep it up.

As far as I am concerned - this is the best night we could ever ask for.

We love you all,


Friday, August 29, 2008

Here we go...

It's 9:48 and they just checked Diana and she has progressed to about 9cm. They are getting us ready to deliver our babies. I can't really type more right now...

Please pray...

-Jason and Diana...

A little help...

It's Friday night at 7:55pm and Diana has had 3 contractions in the last 30 minutes. Her lower back is also hurting a lot.

It's funny because we blocked tonight off as a date night. I went and picked up a favorite of ours, Pei Wei, and we are gonna watch season 1 of Lost. The babies aren't born yet and they are cutting into our date night ;)

In all seriousness - we'd love some prayers tonight to slow these contractions down. If they aren't gonna slow down and it's time for our babies to make a grand entrance then we're of course praying for all to be healthy, mom included.

Thanks for all the time joining with us through this. Time to go watch the people who are, 4 seasons later, still on the island (kind of.)

If you're traveling this weekend I wish you safe travels... and get home soon.

Peace and Love,

-Da Gores

Friday Aftrnoon- Babies in.

See Title.


Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Babies...

are still inside. No new news. This is good news.

Today we are getting a cookie cake for the nurses and doctors. They are great. We hope they like it.

for now,


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Good Morning!!! We're celebrating anniversaries!!!

Well... We awoke this morning with a very special realization. Today is our official 1 week anniversary in the Hospital together. And yes - the babies are still inside.

It's hard to believe we were admitted a whole week ago. The same docs are working today as were last Wednesday so we've all gotten a good laugh out of the fact that we're still here. It's been a bit of a whirlwind to say the least but honestly, I couldn't imagine it seeming more "right" along the way. Despite some honest fear and real questions, we have felt a peace since the beginning that we could not explain as well as love and support from our family and friends that is overwhelming (in a good way ;)

Other good news is this... When you are pregnant with twins you go to a couple different doctors during your pregnancy for a couple different reasons (different specialists, etc.) Due to all of our different charts and paperwork we had heard 3 different conception dates since last Wednesday from different doctors. This has made it hard to know where we really are in regarding how far along the pregnancy is. We've also known that getting to 28 weeks is a big deal. At that point, their neurological - development reaches a very significant point. Well, this morning one of our doctors here at Wake (she is one of our favs over here for sure) has looked everything through and best she can put together today is their 28 week mark. This is amazing news!

So today we celebrate our 1-week anniversary here together (so romantic - we love it!!!) as well as the 28 week anniversary or our children's conception! We never knew these marks in our relationship would be so compelling to us ;)

Thanks for marking this last week in our life together with love. It's makes us want to love others better.

Hope you have a great day and we'll check in with you a little later. We're gonna go celebrate!


-Jason, Diana, ________, and __________

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

I am getting phone calls...

... looking for updates. Sorry I have not updated today.

Thanks for the calls. I appreciate them.

For an update see last post. We did make it through another night!!!

I am currently at home cleaning / packing / making lists for those who are graciously coming over to move / paint at our house. I will get more updates going either this afternoon or late, late tonight.

We love you guys!!!


Monday, August 25, 2008

As of 6:34pm on Monday...

...little baby _________ _________ Gore and baby _______ ________ Gore are still relaxing in the human incubating system*. This is good news.

Diana is still feeling well but her back and neck and joints are starting to hurt from the 5 days of not getting out of bed. She has not been this still since her days of prime in her own mother's human incubating system.

Here's to the Human Incubator System and it working as designed!!!


*patented phrase Jason Gore Inc.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Quick Update

Babies are still in the womb. I think until now I have thought the babies are being disobedient and the girl is pushing her way out. A new way of looking at the situation is dawned upon me. I now believe it is a result of the uterus being full already due to two babies being in there. The girl is being squeezed out and her brother is holding on to her feet as tight as he can.

Hold on little Jasicles... Hold on!!!!


ps - on a lighter note - I think we are REALLY close to names for our children... this is exciting!

pss - please keep praying for us. Diana is now at 7cm and we are like rockstars here at the hospital. all the staff is rooting for us and the babies to stay in.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

and then we washed her hair...

We awoke again this morning babies still in womb. The dances of joy continued.

Then Diana mentioned how she felt a little dirty and her hair seemed a little... well, greasy. The nurse brought us this shower cap thing that has "hair washing stuff" (technical name) inside of it. You just pop it in the microwave, put it on, and lather up.

I had a lot of fun washing her hair and shaving her legs while she is confined to a hospital bed. I figure it's the least I can do since she is carrying our children. Her are some pics of the extravagaza.

Pre hair-washing (Panteen model search, please do not contact as we are very busy at the moment ;)

The magical hair-washing shower cap

Washy, wash, wash, wash...

The hair is clean!!!!

All in all it's been a good day. I got to leave for a while today and my mom and Diana's mom came up for a while. They have been great. All of our parents have been so much help as well as friends who have dropped of food and goodies. Please keep up the thoughts and prayers.

Contractions are still here and there. Diana's back is starting to hurt from laying in bed for 4 days. She is doing well but some discomfort really is settling in this evening. Please be in prayer for this.

Seriously, thanks for everything so far. Text messages, emails, comments on here, friends dropping off food... we feel so blessed.

Here is another fun picture for safe measure. Hi John and Elzabeth!!!

I am so happy we have pictures with Diana and this hair net thing... wow. Too much fun.

We'll post a goodnight message a little later.

Daaaaaaaaaa Gores

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Song of Hope

Another day has come and gone. It's 11:41pm. Diana is sleeping well. I am reflecting on these words tonight from a song by Robbie Seay called Song of Hope:


All things bright and beautiful You are
All things wise and wonderful You are
In my darkest night, You brighten up the skies
A song will rise

I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know that You are near is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down

All things new
I can start again
Creator, God
Calling me Your friend
Sing praise, my soul
To the Maker of the skies
A song will rise

I will sing a song of hope
Sing along
God of heaven come down
Heaven come down
Just to know You and be loved is enough
God of heaven come down, heaven come down


Tonight I feel especially close to something bigger than myself. Most of you know what I believe when it comes to my spirituality so I will call that something God. I feel a nearness that is great and big and thick. I am certain this is not because He is not normally close but because I am looking to Him more in this moment than normal. Whether right or wrong, it is true. There is a part of me that is happy that I am in a moment where I have no where else to turn. I sense our God is near and I sense heaven coming down through my friends, the hope Diana has, and the love of our family.

Thanks to all who are journeying with us through this. I know this is only the beginning of what could be a long journey. Either way we are grateful to be where we are and hopeful of things that are to come.

A song will rise,

-Jason, Diana, listening well to daddy today babies

Another night come and gone

I did a dance of joy this morning. Literally. As well did Diana - though it looked a bit funny in her hospital bed.

We had a good night. Babies are still inside mom. Her Labor pains have actually really slowed down since last night. My complete uneducated hypothesis (i know this is a mis usage of the word ;) is that when she is the most rested things things tend to slow down the most.

Diana is allowed to eat now. My dad brought us IHOP for breakfast. It was amazing. Speaking of my dad... today is his 56th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Pop!!!!

Diana says hi and thanks for all the love, support, and prayers. We know this is relieving much of the would-be tension and stress.

Tomorrow is 27 weeks. That would be a great mark for us to hit!

We'll keep you updated. Please keep up whatever you're doing ;)

peace friends,

-Jason, Diana, and the pushy babies

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We made it to 5pm

Ok, we made til 5pm for the extra dose of lung steroids (this is what i am now referring to them as - not the doctor - they are just for the babies lungs.) At that point they gave Diana another exam and she had not progressed in her dilation. They decided to pull her from the magnesium as it is not good for her long term. They also decided to pull her from her contraction monitor and send her to a "less intensive" room. On the surface this is good news.

Essentially what it means is there is nothing else we can do now but wait. We have made it through the "steps" we needed if the babies are going to in fact come this early. They have gotten their steroids and their magnesium. Now it is just a waiting game (though not the most fun of all games.) As I have said before, each hour is important and each day is valuable. We would LOVE to make it til the morning.

Diana has been experiencing contractions, while more intense than earlier (she can feel them now), not as frequent. We're hoping we can fall asleep, relax, and morning will come quickly.

We are blessed to have friends as we do. We are hopeful in our creator. I read today in Romans 12:12 - Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. I feel like that is where we are. We are joyful... Diana and I are joking together quite a bit. Our inside jokes are funnier than ever. We have a hope greater than this situation. Though I would not call what we are going through affliction, we are being patient. We are both in prayer and feel surrounded in prayer by our friends, family, and others we don't even know.

I feel like I am experiencing a side of God's church I have never experienced before. It is beautiful.

It's 10:11pm. Diana is sleeping. She looks very pretty. I love her very much. Goodnight.

Still hanging tough

Not a lot of changes. Looks like the baby girl is trying to make an exit as she has pushed the boy aside and is getting closer to the "out door." While she is doing this against our parental advice and despite her efforts to break for it, Diana's contractions have slowed down. This is a current positive.

The next goal is to get to 5pm so we can get the 2nd round of steroids. After that the next step is 5am tomorrow which is 12 hours after the dose. The purpose of that is for optimum absorption of the steroid for the babies. The steroids will mostly benefit the babies lungs which are the primary concern of babies coming this early.

Nobody knows whats next. According to the Docs, some people in our situation keep the babies in for weeks, even months, though rarely... some keep them in an hour from where we were yesterday at lunch time. (we like being the exception ;)

We are blessed to be where we are. Thanks for keeping us in your prayers. Your encouragement means more than you know. If as many of you are really praying for us as have said you are then God is pretty busy listening ;) We have great friends. Please keep it up.

We're praying right now to make it through the night. We're going hour by hour and day by day. I know my candor may not be an indicator but the babies really could come any hour and they are in a high risk situation. No medicine can really stop labor so your prayers mean so much to us. I have never felt so "out of control" in a situation.

Meanwhile I will continue to reason with our unborn children as to why it is not the best time to enter "our world." I just can't imagine why they would be so hard-headed given the sweet and laid back nature of their parents. ;)

Life is such a journey...


Made it through the night

OK gang,

We made it through the night. OH YEAH-ER!!!! As soon as we got to Wake last night (we started at Rex) around 10:30 they did an exam and said Diana had progressed to 6 centimeters. That of course was not what we wanted to hear. We thought for a few moments labor was coming. We decided to sit for a few and everything seemed to stay the same.

Through the night her contractions have appeared to become less and less frequent. This is good news. We are really hoping to make it at least another 24 hours.

The doctors did say last night that "rarely" does preterm labor get to 6 centimeters and slow down. He also said he has never seen preterm labor go past 6 centimeters and slow down. So, right now we are happy with where things are. We are trusting God knows what He is doing. We feel like right now we are beating the odds and we like it ;)

Per Diana's exam this morning - she has not progressed in her dilating (still at 6cm.) She is resting right now and doing great. The medicine they have her on (Magnesium) is making her really tired and giving her flu-like symptoms. They are gonna keep her on this until 5pm tonight when she gets the next round of steroids.

Thank you for all the prayers. Once we went "public" last night with all the details it really seemed like things have slowed down through the night. This could change literally at any second but for now we would love to "steal" your prayer time. We definitely feel a peace about our situation (though there have been some moments of being a little afraid.)

As far as visitors go, Diana would love to get some encouragement from you but right now it is best (at least for the next 24 hours) if she has as much rest time as possible. Please feel free to write, call, or text and we'll do our best to keep this thing updated. I also know Jeff is gonna try and keep the Visio Dei site updated with details in case something comes up and I cant get to my computer.

We love you,

Jason, Diana, and Babies (we're closer on names ;)

A Surprise

About an hour afer I typed "it's crazy to think our babies will be here in a few months" Diana and I went to the doctor for a check-up and the babies looked great. Size-wise they are bigger than avgerage for their age so that was good news.

What threw us for a loop was when the doctor told us she is possibly in preterm labor. She was dilated about 3 centimeters (that means the body is getting ready to push babies out) and she is only just over 26 weeks which is about 14 weeks early for regular babies and 12 weeks early for twins.

They immediately had us admitted to Rex and Diana was in fact showing contractions every 3-5 minutes. They have since sent us to Wake Med b/c they are better set-up to handle babies this premature.

The goal is to reduce contractions, keep Diana relaxed, and our hope is that we can keep them in as long as possible and the docs are giving medicine to promote that. The next 24-48 hours are critical as they have issued and are issuing Diana a steroid that will help the babies lungs develop. If we can keep them in at a minimum for long enough for that to pass through to them we would be happy (we are happy either way - this would just be more ideal ;) Ideal would be for them to stay in 10 - 12 more weeks but hours and days are important at this early of a stage.

I will post again after we talk to the docs in the morning with more details. Please just keep us in your prayers. If you want to email Diana you can just send it to me and I will pass it along.

I think we need to go and talk baby names ;)

We love you guys and we'll get out more details in a bit.

Peace and Love,

Jason, Diana, Baby, and Baby

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Date Firday...

Friday night Diana and I went on a date. I think you can still go on dates when you're married, though it might be called something else but if it is I dont know the word.

We walked form our house to City Market and Diana was craving (go figure ;) cheddar grits. I told her I knew of this low country restaurant back in city market and we should try it. So we did. It was nice to just to sit in an almost empty restaurant and talk. Just talk about life and all that's happened over the last few years not mention whats gonna change in the next few years (really months.)

Then on the way home it started raining. Mind you we are walking. Here is another reason why I love my wife. While she is 6 months pregnant she still finds it fun to walk and play in the rain. So instead of running for cover... we just walked... and well, did what people do when they are playing in the rain.

So - yeah... friday night was a goodnight. Nice and relaxing. It was crazy to think that in 3 months our children will be here. Things will probably be a little different. Wow.

I hope they like playing in the rain.