Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Need some prayer and support...

Not for me this time. We have some good friends Jeramie and Joye who just had a little baby boy. His name is Ethan and he is a stud (I got to see him today.) He was born with a few complications one of which will require open heart surgery on just his 3rd day of life out of the womb. That is tomorrow (or today, Wednesday, depending on when you read this.) He goes into surgery about 8:30 and it could go for 4 hours or so.

I know a lot of you who follow our blog care about little babies because of all the support you showed us when Aidan and Addison were fighting through some scary times. As you can imagine this hits close to home for Diana and I and we would love you to offer them some prayer and support as well.

You can pick-up on what's going on on their blog here. It doesn't matter if you know her/them or not - I assure you it helps just to know others are praying, hoping, caring, and entering into your fears and hopes. Please just take a minute and offer them a thought, a prayer, or some love.

Praying for baby Ethan tonight,

-Jason and Diana

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