Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Back in the US...

Well... after getting up at 2:30am on Monday May 15th, flying out of Kyrgyzstan at 6:30am, traveling for over 27 hours straight, we arrived home at 10:45pm on.... - Monday May 15th... SO wierd what this does to your perception of time and what day it is...

All the same we are back here in the US.

I originally entitled this post "back home" but I had to change it... it's funny how a place on the other side of the world can seem as much like home as where you grew up. I fully believe this world as it is right now is not our home... I believe we were created to experience life in a different way... A life where God's Kingdom reigns from one edge of the sky to the other... I believe one day we will experience life in a different way... in that way... Where truth, love, justice, and peace fill the air...

I am not sure how it will all happen but I believe in a new heaven and a new earth... maybe that is why certain places can just feel "right"... maybe it has nothing to do with location, demographic, or weather... maybe feeling like "home" has to do with how you are opening yourslef to God's Kingdom... experiencing things/life as it was intended by our creator... maybe "home" is more of a state of being/living" than a location... maybe this team that I was living life with in Kyrgyzstan for 2 weeks is closer to living out God's Kingdom in a place where unemployment is the norm and injustice is regular than I am here in Raleigh...

Either way I have come back to the US, I believe, a different person... I think some of my values have been tweaked a little and I am more passionate than ever at seeing God's Kingdom come... May it start in my own life... I pray it for me, my wife, my family, our community, Kyrgyzstan, and the world...

Love and Peace,



Anonymous said...

I, for one am reallllllllllly glad you're back in the US! So excited about all that lies ahead....

Jonathan Ellis said...

Welcome back J. We missed you. We're glad you're "home."

Chris Marlow said...

glad your home bro...looks like the trip went well.