A lot of you know I went to Kenya in August of 2007. We went there to begin what we hoped would be a long-term partnership with my friend Joseph Wamutitu and his work all over Africa (namely Kenya) and most specifically
The Africa Hope Center. The Africa Hope Center is a childrens home just outside of Kenya for children who have lost both of their parents due to HIV/AIDS.
Since going over for the first time we have worked to raise money and awareness for what's going on, sent folks over to aide in leadership development, sponsored children, helped them with their building, and we are about to send some friends (Kyle and Anna) over for 1 month to hang out with the children at the Africa Hope Center. (on a side note Kyle and Anna just got married a month ago and they are spending their next month in Africa - HAH - awesome.)
That leads me to whats going on now (better said - Thursday night.) We are hosting a benefit show at our
church building to raise the rest of the money for their trip. Here are the details.
What: Benefit Show for Africa Hope Center - http://www.africahopecenter.org/
When: Thursday April 9th from 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: Visio Dei Building - 524 E. Whitaker Mill Rd. Raleigh NC - www.visiodei.org
Why: Good Music, Good Cause, Keith Urban might be there (he also might not be)
Who is playing: Dakota Darling - http://www.myspace.com/dakotadarlingmusic - AND - A Clerestory - http://www.myspace.com/aclerestory
These are both great bands and we really do have a great venue with a rad sound system. The show is $5 and the bands have agreed to have all proceeds from the door and from merch sales will go directly towards The Africa Hope Center. Please help us get the word out. Email / Blog / Facebook / Twitter / YouTube. All forms of social media are acceptable and appreciated ;)
Feel free to just send folks here for details or you can use this Facebook Link -
http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?guests&eid=68574192977#/event.php?eid=68574192977...or both... but most certainly... one or the other.
Hope to see you Thursday.